
  • 询盘案例诊断(11-22-2021)已关闭评论
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Hey XX,
Loved the stones that were sent when I ordered from you previously, and am wanting to order more. I have been casting them in place and have found that the smaller stones can withstand the heat but the larger ones sometimes crack under the pressure. I would like to order the following cubic zirconia stones:Garnet red:
15 x 5x5mm Square with Princess cut
10 x 6x6mm Five star with faceted cutDark Garnet:
15 x 5x5mm Square with Princess cut
5 x 4x7mm Octagon with emerald cutDark Peridot:
10 x 5x5mm Square with Princess cut
20 x 3.0mm round with faceted cut
5 x 4x7mm octagon with emerald cut
10 x 6x6mm Five star with faceted cut

20 x 3.0mm round with faceted cut
5 x 4x7mm Octagon with emerald cut
10 x 6x6mm five star with faceted cut

20 x 3.0mm round with faceted cut
5 x 4x7mm octagon with emerald cut
10 x 6x6mm five star with faceted cut

Sapphire Blue:
20 x 3.0mm round with faceted cut
5 x 4x7mm octagon with emerald cut
10 x 6x6mm five star with faceted cut

5 x 4x7mm octagon with emerald cut
10 x 6x6mm five star with faceted cut

Thanks and kind regards,

Daisy Bradford

Dear Daisy Bradford,
Thanks for your email.
I'm XXX (Sale,Rep.) from Fu Rong Gems(www.frgems.com), and it's my pleasure to help you on your requirement.
Please check the attached quotation sheet.
About Wax casting: Usually the size of the stone for wax casting is 0.80-3.00mm melee stone, Most of the stones larger than 3mm are inlaid by hand.
Please let me know if you have questions.
Looking forward to your reply.

1. 答题不审题: 
Thanks for your email.
I'm Mia Li (Sale,Rep.) from Fu Rong Gems(www.frgems.com), and it's my pleasure to help you on your requirement.
正确的:Thanks for your email and feedback, glad to hear that you’re satisfied with our stones. 
2. 产品知识专业知识缺乏:
About Wax casting: Usually the size of the stone for wax casting is 0.80-3.00mm melee stone, Most of the stones larger than 3mm are inlaid by hand.
3. 还是产品知识专业知识缺乏,没有做到’知己知彼‘
客户列出来的这些,有一个很明显的:4x7mm octagon with emerald cut, 长方形倒角车平正常的规格一般是哪些尺寸? 4x7mm 肯定是特殊的尺寸,需要订做的,(产品知识:一般6mm 以下的锆石:现在很少已经有手工切磨了,都是机器磨,机器磨通常都是需要批量,有数量才好磨的。)
客户的数量才十几二十粒,明显达不到数量要求,根据对客户的了解,正确的做法是:建议他这个规格能不能用正常尺寸代替,(5x7mm),  一方面,我们自己这边也先查清楚5x7mm的 客户要的这些颜色是不是都有现货: 做这一步是为了之后的沟通。如果是大部分颜色5x7mm都有现货,那后面的就比较好谈了,如果5x7mm很多颜色还是没有,那也没必要建议客户用7x5mm (如果是这样的话,那这个得用另外一种沟通方案了)
只有这样才是知己知彼,做到了解客户需求,并为他解决其中的困难,——这样才更好的促成 订单的成交。
而不是像这个业务员这样,什么都不说,直接就发报价给客户。 那换成你是生产商/老板,这个4x7mm能不能生产还成问题,能报价出来吗?
所以这封邮件 比较标准的答复如下:

我们收到客户的询盘/咨询,一定要了解 客户需求是什么,抓住客户需求的重点,了解并很清楚我们自己能提供客户什么。做到知己知彼才能促成订单的成交。大部分生意不只是简简单单报个单价/数字就能成交的。
