[老外开发信系列]分享一个老外发开发信的经验 -转载福步外贸

  • [老外开发信系列]分享一个老外发开发信的经验 -转载福步外贸已关闭评论
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What if you email someone and don’t get a reply?


Well, it’s time to email someone else at the same company. Some of my best meetings were with the second or third person I emailed within the same company. I usually wait about 3-4 days before moving on. I used to think it might be a bit awkward if my #1 choice says something, but the truth is that they probably haven’t even opened the email or they totally forgot about it.


Subject – the more specific and to the point, the better

The subject line I use now is “Server debugging in Scala/ Java at Companyname”. I started with subject lines such as “new product”, “new way to”, “feedback for a startup company”, etc. Didn’t work. It was very interesting to see that once I added the “Scala” or “Java”, depends on what the company is using, it immediately increased the response rate. Adding the company name also helps as it highlights the fact that it’s a personal email and not an automatic one. People like hearing their name and the name of their company.


现在我使用的主题:例如 “Server debugging in Scala/ Java at Companyname”.以前我喜欢用 “new product”, “new way to”, “feedback for a startup company”等等这些作为主题词汇,完全没有回应有,有趣的是有一次我根据该公司使用的产品在标题上选择性的加了 Scala和Java,这种做法迅速增加了回复率,增加公司名字也强调了该邮件不是私人邮件或者自动发送的群发邮件

更多内容: https://bbs.fobshanghai.com/thread-6254255-1-1.html

